
Thank you, ECU AMA

Joining an organization in college can be extremely beneficial, especially if you are a business major. To start, it will help boost your resume. Employers want to see how you spent your time while you were in college. They want to see if you were actively involved in an organization, or if you just slacked off the whole time.

Another beneficial reason for why you should join an organization is because you will learn a lot, especially if it relates to your major. Plus, you will be given multiple opportunities that will benefit you in the future. Lastly, you will meet some awesome people and make life long connections.

Let me tell you about my experience through an organization in college.


As I started my junior year in college at East Carolina University, ECU, I realized that I needed to become more active in an organization on campus. I researched different organizations on OrgSync, and decided to look for something that related to my major, marketing. I found the American Marketing Association, AMA, and decided that I would try it out.

From the first meeting, I realized that this was the perfect organization for me. I decided to join two committees within the organization, the social media and promotions committee and the fundraising committee. I quickly became a very active member and attended every meeting and event that I was able to.

During that same semester, I was promoted to fundraising assistant with the intent of moving up to fundraising vice president for the spring. As I fulfilled my duties as the assistant and then vice president, I continued to work hard within the organization. As the spring semester came to a close, I was selected to become the executive vice president of AMA for 2016-2017 because of my strong work ethic and dedication.

Joining the American Marketing Association has easily been one of the best decisions that I have made since I have been at East Carolina University.

What I’ve Learned

Not only has AMA helped me grow in general as a person, but also as an aspiring marketing professional. I have learned valuable tips and skills thanks to AMA.

Here are a few topics that I have learned about through AMA:


My fellow vice president of fundraising and I were in charge of making sure that all AMA fundraising events were successful and profitable. I quickly learned that you must do a lot of advertising prior to having an event in order for people to attend, hence why the marketing field is so important because you cannot sell anything without promoting it first.

Being part of the fundraising team has helped me gain sales experience through the bi-weekly events. I also learned that in order to persuade people into purchasing the product or tickets we were selling, we first needed to inform them about why they should buy it and influence customers that they need what we are selling.

Email Signatures

Prior to being in AMA, I figured that email signatures should only include your name. After seeing signatures from other members in the organization, I realized that a signature can include a lot more than a name. In fact, you can include your contact information, title within an organization, and even a link to your LinkedIn profile or professional website. There really is not a set signature with rules you have to follow by, but having a signature with information as stated above will help you look more professional.


In the social media and promotions committee, we use Hootsuite to post on the ECU AMA social media outlets Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. A lot of businesses and marketing firms use Hootsuite, or something similar to it, to post on their company’s social media accounts. These kind of social media management systems are used by businesses because it allows employees to easily manage and keep track of all of the company’s interactions and posts. Learning how to utilize this tool has been extremely beneficial.

Business Cards

It never occurred to me that you can have a business card without having a professional job. Before I attended my first networking event with some of my fellow AMA members, they suggested that I bring business cards to the event. I had no idea how to make business cards, but they informed me that ECU’s College of Business allows you to create cards and print them for free. So, needless to say, that afternoon I was in the computer lab printing off sheets of business cards!

AMA taught me the importance of business cards and helped me prepare for all of the networking events that I would be attending. For example, I learned that it is a great idea to ask each person I network with for one of their business cards and offer one of mine in return. This is so I can connect with that person after the event via LinkedIn and possibly ask if they would like to meet for coffee to discuss more about their company.


LinkedIn is a great site to display work and educational experience. It also allows you to make connections with other people to better your professional network. Plus, you can search for job openings and apply with your LinkedIn profile. I learned about all of these things as well as the importance of LinkedIn during a few workshops that our AMA chapter held. During these workshops, I had ECU marketing professors read over my profile and give me helpful tips on how to make it better.

If you get a chance, connect with me on LinkedIn!

Elevator Pitch

I never knew how to write an elevator pitch until one of our fall workshop meetings where two of our executive board members presented how to make one. Having an elevator pitch is very beneficial, especially if you are attending networking events or selling a product. It is basically a quick 20-90 second pitch that a person can use to sell themselves or their product.

As the next semester began, I then was taught the same elevator pitch fundamentals within one of my marketing classes. Thanks to AMA, I already knew how to write one. This just reassured me that AMA is teaching me exactly what I need to know in order to succeed in a professional setting.


Periscope is an app that allows users to live stream whatever they want. Anyone who is following the user will be alerted when a video is live, and it will remain available for the next 24 hours. At some of our general AMA meetings, we used Periscope to record the speakers for those who are unable to attend. This way, all of our members who are not present can watch from home at their convenience.

I was given the opportunity to use the organization’s Periscope account to record one of our meetings. A few months later, I attended a networking event and was asked to record the event using this app. Thanks to my experience using Periscope with AMA, I was able to help because I already knew how to!

However, with the new Facebook Live Streaming feature, I personally believe that people will start to venture away from Periscope since it only shares videos for a temporary amount of time. In fact, we actually transitioned to using Facebook Live instead of Periscope at our meetings this school year!

Importance of Connections

AMA has taught me that having connections can really help when looking for a job. In fact, networking is key to being successful. To be honest, you will not get far if you do not have any connections. So, be proactive and network with professionals in the field you want to go in. However, don’t just stop making connections when you receive a job. Continue to always make connections and build those relationships with other professionals.

Through my leadership positions within AMA, I have learned how to be a better leader and team player. Also, I have been able to expand my communication and collaboration skills through being active in the organization. As I practice these skills, I have been able to boost my confidence as a professional in return. Now, I can confidently make connections and easily communicate with any professional that I meet at the networking events I attend.


AMA has allowed me the opportunity to be on both sides of an interview. When I applied for fundraising vice president, I was taking the role as the person who is being interviewed. Although I was personally selected to be the fundraising vice president for the spring semester, I was still required to attend an interview. Going through this interview process gave me experience and an idea of what to expect when I am being interviewed for a job position after I graduate.

During this interview, I was required to sell myself and inform the current president and vice president that I would be a great fit for the position that I was applying for. Also, I presented the different ideas that I had for the organization and told them about all of my skills that would relate to the role that I was applying for.

As Executive Vice President of AMA for 2016-2017, I assisted the AMA president with conducting executive board interviews for the next school year. There is a lot that goes into leading an interview, but it is also extremely fun. To start, the AMA president and I had to go through multiple applications, resumes, and cover letters. After each of the face-to-face interviews were completed, we discussed who we believed would be best for each position based on their written materials that were submitted as well as the interview itself. Overall, I believe this was my favorite side of the interview process to be on.


Outside of the general opportunity of learning valuable skills, being part of AMA has, even more, advantages. To start, a successful business professional comes in to speak to us at every general meeting. We have had multiple awesome, marketing professionals come to speak to us.

For example, we have had a store team leader from Target, a marketing professional from Buzzadelic, and the co-founder of the Triangle Marketing Club, TMC, come speak to our members.

These are only a few examples of speakers who came to share their intelligence with us. We were even given the opportunity to brainstorm and share our ideas on social media marketing strategies with Buzzadelic, which was pretty awesome.

However, not all general meetings have a set speaker. At some meetings, we have workshops organized by members of the executive board. For example, as stated before, we have had LinkedIn workshops and an elevator pitch workshop. These events are designed to help members grow and learn new skills that they may not already have.

Being part of AMA has helped me learn about multiple networking events within Greenville and in the Raleigh area. AMA has also taught me how to be prepared before attending an event. So far, I have been given the opportunity to attend events at Triangle Marketing Club and Red Hat. Thanks to AMA, I have also received an internship with TMC.

As you can see, being part of an organization definitely has its perks. So, you should really consider joining one!

Thanks, for allowing me to be part of your amazing organization, ECU AMA.

What I Learned from Interviewing Dan London

Friday morning I was given the honor of meeting with the awesome, talented marketer, Dan London. Prior to meeting him, I did some research. I was amazed at reading his impressive resume and seeing all of his experience in the marketing field. So, as an aspiring marketer, I had a lot of questions to ask him.

Meeting with Dan LondonTo start, I just wanted to get to know a little bit more about who he is as a person and how he got to where he is today. During our hour chat at the Brew, a coffee bar in Raleigh, I learned a lot about Dan.

For example, he is a huge fan of playing hockey. Since the age of two, he has been leading teams in points and penalties. Continuing his passion for hockey, he played for the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Later, after reading an article in USA Today about the top places to live, he moved to North Carolina where he attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and graduated with an English degree.

Work Experience 

Like most college students, Dan didn’t know exactly what he wanted to do when he graduated, but he landed in the marketing field with the right combination of luck, timing, and connecting with the right people, as he put it.

Volunteer to Learn MoreSo what did this talented marketer do prior to entering the marketing field? During college, he worked part-time unpacking trucks. This experience proved very valuable, by taking the initiative to volunteer for different tasks he learned more about the company.

Dan’s advice was that going beyond what is required and displaying a willingness to learn will make anyone a valuable asset to a company. Furthermore, having a desire to learn new things, volunteer for unfamiliar assignments, and adapting to change will lead to more knowledge, experience, and overall value.

Once he graduated, he worked within the marketing industry for a few years as an online marketing manager and then as the top marketing copywriter for Clean Design. He took a short period of time off from the marketing world and taught 6th grade English and History, but then returned back to his calling of working as a marketer.

As opposed to focusing on just one aspect of marketing, Dan gained a lot of experience by working in multiple areas within the field. 

He worked in a search marketing firm and managed “big name” clients. Later on, he joined a new company and began working as the Director of Search Engine Marketing and focused on SEO, banner advertising, and paid search. A few years later, he joined a different company where he was in charge of increasing traffic and working with a social media marketing program. Now, he is the Director of Marketing at Ansible.

Here’s a list of companies that Dan has worked for over the years:

I asked Dan what a typical work day looked like for a successful marketer like himself. According to him, he has no “typical” work day since things change so quickly. However, one thing he always does is check the current stats and the ones from the previous week. After that, his day is pretty random. Without the basic everyday routine, it makes working more interesting, but in a good way. Plus, it allows time for launching new ideas within a matter of minutes.

Most Rewarding Project

With all of his experience, I was curious as to what he considered being his most rewarding project. He began to explain to me about a project with ShareFile which he considered to be a great achievement and rewarding. The task was for the company to hire 90 people within 30 days. Upon starting the project he asked himself, “How could they help market for that project?” Well, they decided to create a “Love My Job” campaign.

Collaborate with Your TeamThe project brought all of the company’s departments together, and they made t-shirts as well as a video that included employees from the company and even random bystanders!

The goal focused on bringing in people to the company and driving employees to work together in a collaborative effort. The focus was not centered around generating revenue, but instead collaboration, which made the project more valuable.

The project turned out to be a success and they surpassed their goal. Whether it’s working with one person or multiple people, Dan enjoys being able to collaborate with others.

Reason behind His Success

One of the things that I really enjoyed and admired about Dan, is his humility.  He contributes his success in the field to his collaboration and connections with other people. “I never walk into the room thinking I’m the smartest there.”

Building Your NetworkDan told me that he is always talking about marketing topics with others and constantly making connections. He went on about opening yourself up to new ideas and meeting new people. By doing so, you will always learn something new, and both parties will have something to gain connecting with each other. He also mentioned the opportunities that arise when talking to people from all different backgrounds and forming connections. It can be as simple as reaching out via LinkedIn with an invitation to meet for coffee.


During our meeting together, I asked Dan if he had any role models that inspired him to get to where he is today, and he did. Jessie Lipson, the man who started ShareFile. He said working for Jessie was great because he was given the space and runway to complete his work with flexibility.

Autonomy in the Workplace Even now, when Dan assigns others a task and the goal that needs to be accomplished, he uses the same work method that was used when he worked at ShareFile.

He always gives them their space but offers assistance to them if they need it. By providing the others with a greater sense of autonomy, he is allowing them the freedom and flexibility of being innovative in their own way.

Dan’s Advice for Fellow Marketers

Regardless of whether you are entry level or an experienced marketer, Dan has some advice for each of you. First of all, “Talk to as many people as you can, and learn as much as you can.” Dan never worked at a job that he didn’t know someone, and that is because of the importance of making connections. It is all about who you know.

Desire to Learn More about MarketingAlso, as Dan says, “There’s always something more that you can do and learn.” So, utilize that desire to learn and expand your knowledge. Whether it’s volunteering to learn something new or meeting someone and just talking with them, you can learn a lot over a cup of coffee.

For instance, take mental notes of their experiences, learn from what they share with you, and bounce ideas off one another. By exchanging ideas, you may not only expand your knowledge base but also be able to incorporate a new idea.

Top 3 Skills Dan Suggests are Necessary for Marketing 

To wrap it up, below are 3 skills that Dan believes are necessary to have while working in the marketing field.

  1. Analytical Skills – Analytics are used daily in marketing and each marketing professional should have a basic understanding of it.
  2. A Desire to Learn – Technology, social media, and marketing specific tools are constantly innovating and changing. Thus the importance to have a willingness to volunteer and a desire to learn new things as a marketer.
  3. Big Picture Thinking – Knowing where you fit in and how things work are essential to accomplishing your goals. Think outside of the box and be creative.

One of the most important things that I took away from my time with Dan is how important his family is to him.  He discussed how he loves watching his children grow and learn, and how ultimately you need a balance between work and home.  His suggestion is to be really productive at work but have a set time to cut off, go home, and recharge.  I think that’s good advice.Dan London

It was an awesome opportunity meeting with Dan London, and now you can too on Tuesday, July 26! Dan has been a speaker at multiple events such as the Business Journal Social Media Madness Launch Event, Meet the New Media, 2011 Kenan-Flagler Business Symposium, Triangle Entrepreneurship Week, SEO MeetUp, Internet Summit, Google AdWords Client Forum, and now our very own, Triangle Marketing Club. So, you are not going to want to miss a chance to meet Dan and listen to him present on Start up Marketing – from Day 1 to Acquisition.

This blog was written for Triangle Marketing Club.


How to Prepare for a Networking Event 

By now, you’ve probably heard about the importance of networking. In fact, many of you may have been taught that it is an essential step in the journey of landing a job.

Why is that? Well, building connections can help further your career, and it can open new opportunities for you. Plus, you’ll meet some awesome professionals that you can exchange information and build a relationship with.

So, how do you build your network? It’s simple. One great way you can start making connections is by attending a networking event. At first, networking can be intimidating, but if you are prepared, you’ll have nothing to worry about.

Remember these few tips when preparing to attend an event:

  1. Research
  2. Business Cards
  3. Elevator Pitch
  4. Professional Attire
  5. Take Notes


If possible, look at the RSVP list to see who will be attending the event you are going to. After you see the list, you can search everyone through LinkedIn. If they work for a company that you are interested in, you may want to reach out to them prior to the event. By contacting them in advance, you can introduce yourself and tell them that you would like to speak to them in person at the upcoming event to learn more about their company. Or, if you don’t feel comfortable with reaching out before, you can always approach them at the event and start a conversation with them.

doing-researcWhen you do your research beforehand, you are making yourself more aware of the different companies that will be represented at the event. This is a great opportunity to get to know more about the places you are interested in working at as well as the people who work there.

However, don’t limit yourself by only focusing on a few companies. Even if you don’t recognize some of the companies that someone works for, research them! You may find out that it would be a good fit for you.

Business Cards

Get those business cards out and ready! Business cards can be fairly easy to make, and it is an excellent way of helping people remember who you are. When you meet people at the event, be sure to ask for a business card and give them one in return. You’ll get the chance to meet a lot of professionals, and you may have a hard time remembering everyone’s names. However, if you get a business card, you will not only  have a better chance at remembering their name but also, you can follow up with them after the event by using the information stated on their card.

business-cardsIn fact, after the event, I would highly recommend doing a LinkedIn search on every person you met and invite them to connect with you. By doing this, you can easily contact them in the future and follow up via LinkedIn.

Send a personalized message to each person you met and thank them for sharing their knowledge with you at the event. If you want, you can even invite them for coffee to learn more about them as well as the company they work for.

Tip: quickly jot down information on the back of the business cards that you receive to remind you of your conversation with that person. This will make it easier for you to remember who they are when you reach out to them later. Plus, this will help you make your message to them more personal, and it will show the other person that you were genuinely listening and interested in what they were saying.

Elevator Pitch

As most of you know, your pitch should be short, sweet, and to the point. In your pitch, you can discuss topics such as your educational background, work experience, and skills. There are a lot of different kinds of pitches that you can use at your next networking event. Once you pick a type of pitch, go ahead and write it out then edit it. After you finish your final draft, be sure to practice it until you can recite it in your sleep.

Check out this video about making an elevator pitch:

Professional Attire

When attending a networking event, be sure you dress to impress. Depending on the event, everyone may be wearing business professional, business casual, or they may even be dressed more casual than that.

networkingHowever, if your intentions at the event are to make connections in order to get a job, I recommend dressing well despite what everyone else may be wearing. Not only will this will help you make a good first impression by looking professional, but you will also feel more confident.

Your appearance can easily reflect the way that you feel and it will influence you to act self-assured. Plus, if you look and feel good, then it will be a lot easier for you to approach professionals at a networking event.

Take Notes

At some events, there may be a speaker. My advice is to pay attention, actively listen, and take notes. By doing this, you will be able to retain the information, and you will look like you genuinely want to learn about the topic that is being presented. Plus, you will learn something that could help you in your future career. So, make sure that you save your notes for future reference.

After the speaker finishes their message, go up and speak to them afterward. Thank them for taking the time to come and share their knowledge. Once you finish your conversation with the speaker, ask for a business card and follow up.


Now that you know how to prepare yourself, what are you waiting for? Attend our monthly TMC networking events! Our next one is on Tuesday, May 24. Click here to RSVP.  

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to network with outstanding professionals!

This blog was written for Triangle Marketing Club.


What Marketers Should Take Away from Prince’s Branding Style

Each individual has a personal brand that depicts the way others view them. Our actions create a brand that paints a picture for all to see, whether we realize it or not. It describes who we are, and it displays our personality.

In this blog, we are going in-depth about a great musical artist who had a very consistent personal brand, otherwise known as Prince Rogers Nelson. Specifically, we will be discussing some key takeaways that marketers can learn from his branding style.

Before we get into the takeaways, let’s briefly mention Prince’s personal brand. The picture above is a perfect image displaying the components that make his brand. For example, the color purple was used a lot in his wardrobe and throughout his concerts. This color represented who Prince was, and as his signature color, it also held a lot of meaning for his popular song, “Purple Rain.”

This picture also shows his unique but well put together style. Prince always made sure that he had a clean, remarkable, and stylish appearance whether he was performing, or just going out in public. In fact, he made it a requirement for all of his employees to dress well. If their wardrobe was not up to his standards, they would be given the option to change their outfit or be fired. Lastly, this photo displays his stage name, which is an unpronounceable symbol. In terms of what this represents towards his brand, this “love symbol” is his personal logo.

What should marketers take away Prince’s branding style?

  1. Brand Name
  2. Logo
  3. Creativity and Consistency
  4. Target Market
  5. Products
  6. Attention to Detail

Brand Name 

Prince Rogers Nelson had multiple nicknames throughout his lifetime. However, despite the multitude of names he had, everyone knew him by his real name, Prince. The name was pretty fitting since he was one of the best performers of his time.

His brand name ironically linked the generic definition of a prince to the artist himself. It sent a message that described his personality and his talent that reigned in the music industry. The name, Prince, told a story of his brand in itself.

We should take note of how his brand name combined storytelling with an automatic association of his name and image to the definition of an actual prince, or in this case, one who is superior in his profession.

Brands should include storytelling to promote and establish interest and loyalty within the target market. By doing so, it will define the way people view your brand by painting a clear picture of it.


Most artists do not have a specific logo. However, Prince did. His stage name was his logo. He chose an unpronounceable symbol, the love symbol, to be his stage name, and he displayed it at all of his concerts. This symbol represented who he was and what he believed in.

Prince’s logo was so well-known, that his personal brand was automatically associated with it whenever someone saw the symbol or heard someone refer to the love symbol.

As a marketer, we should all strive to have a logo that is easily recognizable to the extent that it creates an instant association and awareness for our brand.

Creativity and Consistency

Prince was an extremely creative and talented musician. He built his personal brand through the consistency of his logo and the creativity of his appearance and music.

Once he changed his stage name to a symbol, he routinely displayed it at his concerts, whether it was on his microphone stand, his guitar, or even the stage itself, he made sure to proudly show his logo to his fans. By doing so, he created brand awareness by associating his new logo with his personal brand.

He was also known for creativity in the stylish way that he dressed. His outfits were fashionable, and he was constantly setting new trends every time he made an appearance. With an unforgettable, inventive attire, Prince established a memorable personal brand. His fans could depend on him to come up with a new, distinct look whenever he went in public.

We should take Prince’s example of his branding style of consistency and creativity as an example of how we should establish our own personal brand and even within the brands that we market through our career.

Brands are successful if they are consistent and different than their competitors. By being original, brands can stand out among their competition. As for consistency, it leads to brand recognition and customer loyalty.

Prince’s amazing talent, consistency, and innovative style produced loyal fans and made his personal brand recognizable to everyone.

Target Market 

As a popular 80’s musician, Prince targeted people in Generation X. He captivated his audience through his spectacular music. His fans were loyal and continue to be so to this day. He wrote his songs based off of seduction and prayer, and his songs inspired so many people. In fact, not only did he write his own lyrics, but he also wrote songs for other famous performers as well. Some people took inspiration from his work that they based their own off of his.

It’s safe to say that he created an influential brand and established customer loyalty. His reputation defined his brand, and his target market loved what he had to offer. As a marketer, think about what your brand has to offer to your target market. Also, your brand
should inspire people and remain a credible brand that doesn’t stray from its reputation.


Prince’s “products” consisted of his outstanding music, instrumental talent, and great vocals. At a young age, he learned how to play multiple instruments, and he was excellent at each. It’s not a surprise at how musically gifted he was, since both of his birth parents were very talented as well. He grew up around music, and he continued to thrive in the music field throughout his entire life.

Prince was a complete introvert and had a very calm personality. Although he may have been relatively quiet off stage, his talent shined and he was very enthusiastic the very moment he stepped on stage and began to perform. He played his music and sang passionately at every concert.

Through his brand, he created an experience for all of his fans and he inspired people through his music and lyrics, which is a goal that every brand should aim for.

Attention to Detail 

This artist branded his personality and highlighted his characteristics through the way he presented himself. Even the little details contributed to his success in building up his image. For instance, his signature color was purple which purple, represents royalty and creativity. Although it is simply a color, it had significant meaning that connected with his name and symbolized who he was.

As you reflect on your own personal brand, pay close attention to the details that make it up. Each specific feature can stand for a much deeper meaning than you may realize.

Now that we have analyzed Prince’s branding style, what was it that he particularly wanted to be known for? To find out, watch the clip below.

Well, he sure did accomplish that. He will always be remembered for his outstanding talent throughout the music industry.

This blog was written for Triangle Marketing Club.


TMC’s 5 Step Process of Making LinkedIn Connections

We all know how popular LinkedIn has become when it comes to job hunting. So, how do we use it to our advantage while making connections in the process?

In this blog, we’ll go through TMC’s 5 step process to help you make the best connections that may also open up new opportunities for you in the future.  

TMC’s 5 Step Process of Making Connections via LinkedIn

Let’s walk through this 5 step process together.

  1. Search for People on LinkedIn
  2. Utilize Autopilot for LinkedIn
  3. Check Your LinkedIn Often and Respond to Views
  4. Thank Your New Connections
  5. Ask for Coffee

Step 1 – Searching for People on LinkedIn

According to Triangle Marketing Club, TMC, you should view 1200 profiles a day. You may think that 1200 is a lot, but it’s necessary, and you will be thrilled with the outcome if you do this! Searching for people is the only way you are going to increase the number of your connections on LinkedIn.

When you connect with someone on LinkedIn, don’t just press the connect button and move on. Instead, view their profile. Your connection invites will be alerted that you viewed their page, and it will show that you are interested in learning more about them. People will be more willing to accept your invite to connect if they feel that you are truly interested in who they are, and not just connecting with them to raise the number of connections.

Step 2 – Utilize Autopilot for LinkedIn

Maybe you’re thinking to yourself that you like the idea of creating your own personal brand; however, you don’t have enough time in the day to view 1200 different profiles.

No need to fear! There is a solution. Autopilot for LinkedIn will do this for you! How easy is that? There is a fee to utilize this tool, but it is worth it! It views people’s pages for you and saves you a lot of time! Through the automatic viewing, it will increase your connections and help you rise in ranking among those connections.

Step 3 – Check Your LinkedIn Often and Respond to Views

We all tend to check our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram religiously, but what about our LinkedIn?

As a general rule, check your LinkedIn at least twice a day, if not more. Your profile will never grow if you don’t engage and have an active profile. Treat your LinkedIn account like your social media sites, but do so professionally.

Tip: Try setting your LinkedIn account as a tab on your browser, or put the app on your homepage so you will always remember to check it.

As we discussed in the third step, make connections and view other profiles daily. If you put in the hard work, then you will see results, but you have to make an effort.

We all see those alerts that someone has viewed our profile, but they didn’t ask to connect. Well, when you see that notification go to their profile and view their page. After you view their profile, respond back to them by sending them a personal connection request.

They have already seen your profile, so if they didn’t send you a request, they may be intrigued to connect with you after they read your personalized message as opposed to the generic one. Just remember, engagement is key!

Here are some suggested guidelines from TMC regarding personalized connection requests:

  • Make It 300 Characters
  • Be Genuine
  • Include Their Name
  • Avoid Yes or No Answered Questions

All of these may seem simple, but these points can make a tremendous amount of difference.

To start, make your message 300 characters. This is really easy to do. As for being genuine, people enjoy feeling as though you are interested in who they are and that you truly want to get to know them.

When you include the person’s name, it shows you care about who they are as an individual. To add onto this point, make sure that you spell the person’s name right. This might sound obvious, but it happens. Although it may be an innocent mistake, spelling someone’s name incorrectly can come off unprofessional.

When you ask a question to someone, avoid yes or no answered questions. This makes the person you are sending the question to open up and be more specific when they reply.

Step 4 – Thank Your New Connections

Most people do not expect a thank you message after they decide to connect with you. So, when you send a thank you to your new connections, this will make you stand out among the others who do not.

You always want to make a good impression on those around you, especially if they may be recommending you in the future. This is the same concept as sending a thank you note after an interview.

Sending a thank you message will show that you are dedicated to learning more about this person. So, type away! If you asked the person a question when you sent them a request, but they did not respond, feel free to ask them again when you thank them for connecting.

Step 5 – Coffee

Now that you have made a connection, it’s time for you to build that relationship. Don’t be afraid to ask to meet your new connection. In fact, your thank you message gives you a great opportunity to ask them to meet with you.  

By meeting your new connections, you will be able to get to know them more on a personal level. Even if your new connection is not from your area, you can still arrange to meet them by using an application like Skype. This will make your conversation more personal than just a regular phone call.

meet for coffee

Meeting your new connection is a great opportunity that you should definitely consider taking advantage of. When you meet with them, you will be able to learn from someone who has more experience than you in your prospective field, and they will be able to give you more insight on the type of job you are looking for. Plus, you may gain them as a mentor or a friend that could possibly lead you to even more connections in the future. Overall, getting to know your new connections can be very beneficial.

This blog was written for Triangle Marketing Club.


So You Want a Job in Marketing…

Want a job in marketing, but you don’t know how to obtain one? I have good news for you. You came to the right blog!

Let’s first start by stating the steps of how to obtain a job, then we will go into more detail for each.

  1. Know the Job Title That You Are Going After
  2. Find Companies That Are Hiring via LinkedIn
  3. Make Connections

Job Title

Do you know yet what job title you are going after? If you don’t, try doing some research through a job site.

Here are a few examples of some job sites:

When you get to the site, type in “marketing jobs,” and then type in the location you wish to work in.

Once you see a job title or company that may interest you, click on it, and read the job description. If the job description is something that you may enjoy doing and you fit all of the required qualifications for the job, then you are ready for step 2.

However, if you review the job descriptions, and it doesn’t sound like the job for you, then continue reading about other jobs until you find a job title that you like.

LinkedIn Research

Congrats! You completed the first step and have figured out the job title that you are going after.

For the second step, you will need access to your LinkedIn account. LinkedIn allows you to research companies that are hiring for individuals like yourself!

There are multiple ways that you can continue on your job hunt via LinkedIn. You can do so through your computer in desktop view or by using your phone. Isn’t technology just awesome?

Here’s how you do it in desktop view:

  • Log in to your LinkedIn account
  • At the top of the page, select the “Jobs” button under the search bar
  • Type in the job title that you are searching for as well as the location

Here’s another way you can do it in desktop view:

  • Type your chosen job title in the LinkedIn search bar
  • Read through all the jobs that pop up
  • On the left side of the page, you can select specifics to help narrow down your search

LinkedIn job search through your phone: (This is from an iPhone perspective).

  • Download the app, “LinkedIn Jobs”
  • Connect it to your LinkedIn account
  • In the search section, type the job title or keyword
  • Then select your location
  • Click search
  • In the top right corner, you can select the filter button to narrow down your search
  • You can also enable the job alert button to be alerted every time a company is hiring for your selected job title

You can also search through the LinkedIn phone app by using the search bar.

Once you find companies that are hiring, research what industry they are in. You can click on the company’s name to learn more about them. In fact, I encourage you to do this. Researching companies will help you get a feel of what the company is about, and if this is a company that you would like to work for.

Make Connections

Do not, I repeat, do NOT skip this step. Making connections will make all the difference when you apply for a job. In today’s society, everything is about networking. If you don’t make any connections, you won’t get very far. Networking is extremely important and it comes with a lot of benefits. In fact, you have a far better chance of getting a job if you have connections within the company that you are applying for.

If you connect with people who work in these companies prior to you applying, they may be willing to give you a recommendation, which would really increase your odds of landing that dream job.

So, Why do you need to network? The answer is simple. You need to network with other people in order to get a job.

What if you already have a job? Networking with others can still be beneficial to you too! You might network with someone, and they may be able to help open another career opportunity for you. Networking with people may even help you advance in your career.

There really aren’t any disadvantages to networking. The more you connect with, the better!

To learn more about jobs in marketing, check out the list below.

Happy job hunting!

This blog was written for Triangle Marketing Club.


Mixing New and Traditional Marketing

Last week we discussed the topic, Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing. We ended that discussion debating on which method your company should use. Should you use inbound, outbound, or maybe a combination of the two? Ultimately, we said it really depends on who your target market is, and which method would work best with them. However, if you have the resources available, you could choose to do both!

Companies don’t have to pick just one way or the other when they combine the two methods. Instead, they can choose multiple ways of reaching their customers without having to limit themselves. In fact, they can even come up with an advertising method that intertwines both inbound and outbound marketing. Let’s explore this option further, and we’ll talk about a couple of examples where these two methods are effectively being combined.

The Mixture

In my previous blog, I briefly mentioned digital billboard advertising as an example of both inbound and outbound marketing. I’d like for us to go into more depth about it, but first, let’s watch the video below.

Lamar Advertising is a company that has done a brilliant job of combining these two marketing strategies. To reach a bigger audience, this company, along with a few others, have taken the traditional, outbound marketing method of billboards and added an inbound marketing twist. Being digital, these billboards can update constantly based on consumer data, interactions, and more.

As you saw in the video, Lamar Digital Billboards can display:

  • Trending items
  • Live game scores
  • User-generated content
  • Social media posts
  • Countdowns
  • Relevant information based on the day and time
  • Ads relating to the current weather

inbound and outbound marketing billboard tweetIncorporating inbound marketing into billboards has been really successful for companies. It has increased their customer traffic simply because of the digital attractive and engaging displays.

According to a recent study by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, 75% of people who participated said that during the past month, they noticed digital billboards, and 55% of those in the study remembered the message of the billboard.

So, why is that? In my opinion, I believe the statistics are so high simply because these billboards incorporated inbound marketing. People enjoy when companies engage with them, and that is exactly what these billboards are doing. In fact, according to the same study stated earlier, 22% of people followed advertisements after they saw it being presented on a digital billboard.

Here are a few examples of companies using digital billboards to encourage consumer involvement:

inbound and outbound Facebook post on billboardIt gets people’s attention when they see something unique and interesting that engages with real consumers. 

When the billboards update with live social media feed, it makes the advertisement more authentic and shows viewers that the company wants to build relationships with their consumers. People tend to rely on word of mouth when making decisions, so when they see real comments from people like themselves, it provides more incentive for them to try the product or service as well.

Billboards have come a long way, but so have other forms of advertisement. So, let’s talk about a couple more great examples that mix the two methods, inbound and outbound, into one. For example, advertising panels, such as bus shelters and free-standing information panels. Similar to the billboards we just discussed, both of these examples were originally considered outbound marketing, but now they are incorporating inbound marketing by becoming digital.

Check out this video to see what I mean:

In the Batman vs. Superman bus shelter video, you can see how the company took the outbound marketing method to a whole new level by meshing it with inbound marketing. Instead of having just paper advertisements in the panels, they added life-size figures on top of the shelter and added a digital feature for people to interact with.

In this example, the digital panel gave people the option to take a picture of themselves looking like Batman or Superman. Once the picture was taken, and they entered their email address, their picture was automatically sent with the option of posting it on their social media accounts. This is such a great idea because it gives people an incentive to post about their experience on social media. By including all of these attractive aspects, people are easily able to remember the message that the company is advertising.

In the following video, you will see some awesome, creative international campaigns by JCDecaux:

As you saw in the video, a lot of the advertising campaigns shown were digital, and all of the campaigns influenced people to engage with them. By doing this, they were able to increase brand awareness for the companies that are being advertised. People were able to play games, virtually try on products, and some were given samples for interacting with the advertisement.

With a such a unique display, people naturally took pictures with their free samples or the panel itself. Some of these advertisements even encouraged people to post on social media in order to get a free sample when they go to the advertised store. All at the same time, people were remembering the brand and the intended message that the company was trying to send to their customers.

This company, JCDecaux, easily combined outbound and inbound marketing through their advertising. With the use of touchscreen displays, they were able to easily connect people to their company’s brand by encouraging the use of mobile devices and posting on social media.

The Impact

inbound and outbound marketing advertising panelThese companies created an experience for people and encouraged them to get involved with the advertisement, and by doing so, they made their brand one to remember.

Since they decided to mix inbound and outbound marketing, these companies were able to reach a bigger audience and impact current and potential customers. In return, it not only helped increase sales but also brand awareness. Traditional advertising often times isn’t as effective as inbound marketing. So, in my opinion, combining the two makes the perfect mix.

Overall, it is important to focus on how to build a relationship with your consumers, connect them with your brand, and create an experience for them to share with all of their friends and family. If you do this, I’m sure you will create a brand that will be loved and remembered.

inbound and outbound billboard share a coke

Do you have any innovative ideas for combining the two, inbound and outbound? Let us know! We would certainly love to hear them!

This blog was written for Triangle Marketing Club.


Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing

It wasn’t too long ago where marketing was focused strictly on tv advertisements, radio commercials, cold calls, and paper ads. So what happened?

Well, with the new generation rising, the use of the internet has been increasing very quickly. As a result, marketing professionals have been expanding their methods to reach out to these tech-savvy individuals through the internet and social media platforms.

When you are considering which marketing techniques to use for your company’s product, be sure to consider all of the pros and cons of inbound and outbound marketing. People want to shop at their convenience, and they want to do whatever is the easiest and fastest way of doing it.  

To start, let’s talk about inbound and outbound marketing in more detail. I like to refer to inbound marketing as the new marketing method as opposed to outbound which is starting to be outdated.

Inbound Marketing

Have you ever searched for a product or service online? My guess is that your answer to this question is yes. When we want to satisfy a need or solve a problem, we tend to do so by typing it into a search engine. By doing this, we are taking part of inbound marketing.

Inbound marketing is a way of getting potential customers to come to you, instead of pushing your company’s product or service onto them.

The ultimate goal of inbound marketing is to create content that will attract potential customers to your site. A good way to do this is through content writing and social media.

Most people don’t want to waste their time by reading things that they aren’t interested in. With that being said, be sure to create content for your company that people will actually want to read about, especially your target market.  

For example, blogs can help lure people onto your website. Not only can it increase traffic to your site, but if a person really likes your blog they may share it to their social media accounts for all of their followers to see.

Companies love when people retweet, repost, or share their posts. There are a lot of reasons why this is so beneficial. To start, it’s free advertisement. When people share your company’s posts with their followers or friends they are essentially recommending others to purchase your product or service. Also, it attracts more potential customers to your site.

This can also be done through word of mouth advertising. Companies use this type of advertising to plant a seed in order to start a reaction from their customers on social media. When people enjoy a product they often tell their friends and post about it on their social media accounts.

When I see one of my friends post about their new purchases, I often tend to click on that company’s website or social media outlets to see what products they have to offer. Same goes for when they specifically recommend a product to me. For example, last week my friend told me about her most recent clothing purchase, and she suggested that I check out the website where she purchased it from. Shortly after, I decided to look at that boutique’s website and considered purchasing something from them. If it wasn’t for her recommending this store to me, they would have never gained me as a potential customer.

Not only is inbound marketing cheaper, but it can also be more efficient. Those who stumble onto your site were brought there because they saw something that captured their attention. Thus the importance of content, keywords, and strong SEO. 

For instance, let’s say that someone wants to look online for a new pair of tennis shoes. More than likely, the first thing that they will do is use an internet search engine to find the kind of shoes they want. If your site pops up with the same keywords and appealing content, they will most likely click on your site. Your odds are pretty high at gaining them as a customer since they were already searching for your product or service.

Here are a few examples of inbound marketing that will help you draw customers in:

  • blog posts
  • videos
  • surveys
  • social media campaigns

Having a strong SEO strategy is key to success because it will drive traffic to your website and potentially will increase sales. If you include keywords and alt text, blogs can be a great way of attracting potential customers to your site.

According to a blog post by Jeffrey L. Cohen, statistics show that companies who post blogs gain 67% more traffic every month, and 75% of people purchase products through some sort of social media. Let alone, these statistics should show you how effective inbound marketing is.

Outbound Marketing

I like to think of outbound marketing as more of the traditional, old school marketing method. Although outbound marketing can be successful, often times it tends to not be the most effective or best way to reach potential customers because of the new advances of technology in today’s age.

This method involves marketers pushing their products onto consumers, even those outside of the target market. For instance, the door-to-door salesman who went to every house in the neighborhood regardless if that person wanted what he was selling or not.

Here are some outbound marketing examples:

  • newspaper/magazine ads
  • radio ads
  • billboards
  • tv commercials
  • cold calls

Consider the role of a car salesman. The person in this position is attempting to influence anyone to purchase a car, whether they are looking for one or not. This is the complete opposite of what we discussed earlier.

To show how different these two methods are, an inbound marketing example would be when a person uses a search engine to find a specific type of car. The potential customer will type in keywords to find the exact car that fits their needs.

Using these two comparison examples. Which do you think has better odds of gaining a potential sale? The inbound method, with the customer who is specifically looking for your product? Or, the outbound method where the salesman is reaching out to everyone? My guess would be the inbound method with the customer who was searching for someone who was selling a car.

Things to Consider When Choosing Inbound or Outbound Marketing

  • Price
  • Time
  • Efficiency
  • Impact
  • Target Customer

So, which one should you use?

It depends on who your target market is. Once you do your research and determine who they are, their purchasing patterns, and how you can reach them, then you can determine which marketing method would be the best to use.

However, the best part is, if your budget allows and makes sense for who you are trying to reach, you can do both. You don’t actually have to pick one way of marketing. A lot of marketers are using a combination of the two to reach more people. For example, digital billboard advertising with live tweets. This is a great example of combining inbound and outbound marketing. The tweets sent in by customers represent the inbound side and the billboard itself represents the outbound marketing method.


Just remember, be creative and do whatever works best for reaching your customers!

This blog was written for Triangle Marketing Club.


Trade Show Marketing

So, you want to learn more about trade show marketing…

To start, marketing is extremely important at trade shows. Without marketing, you have a very slim chance of getting people to come to your booth.

People don’t want to waste their time by going to every booth. So, you need to prove to them that stopping by is worth their time.

In this blog, we will discuss a few simple, basic tips for trade show marketing. If you can remember these few things, then you have a better chance of your booth being more attractive and standing out against the others.


  1. Be Proactive
  2. Have an Appealing Display and Location
  3. Be Approachable
  4. Give out Free Swag
  5. Enter to Win

Be Proactive

One way to increase your chances of having more people visit your booth is by being proactive. Consider researching who will be attending the trade show, and send them information about your company. By doing this, you will be making them aware of who you are and where they will be able to find your booth at the trade show.

You should also consider using your company’s social media sites to post information about the upcoming trade show that you will be attending. Once you post on social media, all of your followers will be able to see that you will be attending this event and they may share it on their personal social media accounts as well. I would also suggest sending out email alerts. 

Display and Location

Having an appealing display for your booth will help your company make a good first impression on potential buyers. Plus, if you have an attractive and interesting looking display, then you will have a better chance of influencing people to stop by. Also, don’t forget to clearly show your company’s name. This will make it easier for people to recognize who you are. 

Where you are located at the event is another important factor when it comes to being successful. If possible, try to reserve your space early enough to get a good spot. That way you aren’t stuck hidden in the worst place where no one will see you. 

Be Approachable

Being approachable is very important in all aspects of sales, but even more so at a trade show. People walk around and tend to only stop at booths that they are interested in. So, getting people to come over to your spot is vital. However, if your employees do not look approachable, then it could decrease the traffic to your booth.

When working at the event, be sure to look excited and interested in what you are doing. If you have employees who are playing on their phones or look like they do not want to be there, then you will have a hard time influencing people to come over and learn more about your product.

On the other hand, if you are smiling at people, communicating, being attentive, and presenting yourself with an approachable appearance, then people will be more willing to stop, engage, and listen to what you have to say.

Another tip on being more “appealing,” is to initiate a conversation. Some people may be a little intimidated by being the one to start a conversation. Others may even be hesitant in whether they should approach your booth or not. So, be willing to reach out and start a conversation.

Give out Free Swag

Giving out free swag is very popular at trade shows. For those of you who don’t know what I mean, it represents free promotional items that display your company’s logo.

People will be more willing to stop and listen to what you have to say if they will be getting something in return. Another benefit is you can gain potential client information by requiring everyone to give out their name, number, and email address before they can receive anything.

So, not only will you gain more traffic to your booth, but you’ll also be sending your logo home with them.

Overall, it’s a win-win situation!

Enter to Win

Another popular option is to offer people a chance to win something awesome. All that is required of them is to take the time to give their information to you. You could do this in place of giving out free swag, or you could do this in addition. 

So remember, don’t be that booth that no one wants to go to.  Put those brilliant marketing skills you have into use, and give people a reason to stop by.

This blog was written for Triangle Marketing Club.


Market Research 101

What makes market research so important?


Before exploring further into this topic, let’s first state what market research is. Market research allows a marketer to collect valuable information regarding where there is a market opportunity, who the target market is for a specific product or service, and who the competitors are.

When conducting market research, ask yourself these few basic, but important questions:

  • Who is my target market?
  • How much is my target market willing to pay?
  • What does my target market enjoy purchasing?
  • What do they need?
  • Is there a market opportunity or a problem that needs solving?
  • Who is my competition?
  • What are the current market trends?

Now that we have reviewed what market research is and a few questions that you should ask yourself when conducting research, let’s go back to our first question.

What makes market research so important in the marketing world?


To start, conducting market research is vital to success. Businesses, who don’t do proper research, often fail because they skip this important step. When a person conducts market research, he is gathering information about a particular market and determining what that market’s purchasing behaviors are. If you don’t know who your target market is, what their buying habits are, and how to reach them, then you will have a difficult time increasing your sales and having a successful business.

Target Market

Defining your target market is very important, and it is essential to being successful. Just think, how else would you be able to sell a product or service if you don’t know who you are trying to sell it to?

When you are researching who your target market is, think about the people who would want to purchase your product or service.

Once a target market has been selected, consider researching the spending patterns and behaviors of your target customer. Think about all of the factors that contribute to the decisions that they make when they are shopping. Do they go shopping once a week, or do they go once a month? Are they impulse shoppers? Or, do they plan out everything that they are going to purchase before they go to the store?

Also, you should take into consideration how much these customers would be willing to spend, and set your price accordingly. For example, if your target market is college-aged students, then you aren’t going to want to set your price extremely high.

If you can figure out who your target market is and how they think and operate, then you will be able to communicate more effectively with them.

Market Opportunity

Market research is important because it can help you determine if your product or service is something that people actually want or need. Also, it can help you learn if it has potential to be successful and profitable.

Once you do research, you will have a better chance at accomplishing your goal of selling your product. Plus, it will decrease your chances of failing because no one is purchasing what you are trying to sell.

So, always research ahead of time and be on the lookout for a market opportunity that will enable you to create value for the customer and fulfill their needs and desires.


Once you have an idea for a market opportunity or a problem that needs to be solved for your target market, it would be in your best interest to research your competitors.

This is important because if you research who your competitors are, it will help you become more aware of what you need to do to stand out. It will also help you learn more about what your competitors offer that you don’t.

If you research about your current and potential competitors, then you can be more prepared when you compete against them. Knowing who your competitors are can help you gain insight on what you may need to improve on. The research may also make you realize that you need to come up with something to help you have more of a competitive advantage and become more desirable to the target market.


Market research is very beneficial because it often leads to an increase in sales.

Research is conducted in order to figure out if the product that marketers are promoting creates enough value for the target market. If a marketer doesn’t research what their target customer is interested in, then it will be hard for them to increase their sales because the target market won’t purchase the product or service.

Also, market research helps determine who the competitors are. Knowing how to stand out against the competition and making customers purchase from you instead of competitors will help sales rise.

Market Trends

It’s important to research market trends because they are always changing, and you want to make sure that you are keeping up with the latest ones.

If you don’t, you’ll end up being blindsided  like this guy:

research, blindsided, market research

Long story short, if you don’t do research, it will be very difficult to survive in the marketing field. So, be prepared! Always do your research to obtain a competitive advantage, and make sure to meet the needs of your target market.

be prepared, prepared, research, market research

This blog was written for Triangle Marketing Club.
